Contribution Process Overview

To submit a contribution to the Open Compute Project, you will need to follow the following steps:


For specific steps by contribution type, see below.

Contact for questions or help with the contributions process.

Steps by Contribution Type

Please reference the specific steps needed depending on the type of contribution your organization is making.


  1. Sign a Contribution License Agreement (CLA)
  2. Present to relevant Project Group(s)
  3. Write a specification using one of the following templates:
  4. Address any feedback
  5. Upload to the Contribution Portal with the help of OCP staff and the Project Lead(s). Contact OCP staff for Portal login credentials.
  6. Present to the OCP Steering Committee:
  7. Sign the Final Specification Agreement (FSA)
  8. Publish on OCP Contribution Database

Design Files

  1. Sign a Contribution License Agreement (CLA)
  2. Present to relevant Project Group(s)
  3. Make sure you follow the Design Package Guidelines
  4. Address any feedback
  5. Upload to the Contribution Portal with the help of OCP staff and the Project Lead(s). Contact OCP staff for Portal login credentials.
  6. Present to the OCP Steering Committee
  7. Sign the Final Specification Agreement (FSA)
  8. Publish on OCP Contribution Database


  1. Sign a Software Contribution License Agreement (CLA)
  2. Present to relevant Project Group(s)
  3. Complete the OCP Software Contribution Checklist
  4. Address any feedback
  5. Upload to OCP Github with the help of OCP staff and the Project Lead(s). Repo will be private.
  6. Present to the Steering Committee.
  7. Repo is made public on OCP Github

Documents / Whitepapers

  1. Determine licensing for your contribution (Copyright License Agreement or Creative Commons CC04 License). You can review these agreements here
  2. Present to relevant Project Group(s). Address any feedback.
  3. Finalize your document using the OCP Document Template and the OCP Document Submission Guidelines
  4. Upload to the Contribution Portal with the help of OCP staff and the Project Lead(s)
  5. Share with the Steering Committee for Review
  6. Publish on OCP Contribution Database

Product Recognition

  1. Follow directions for Product Recognition Program
  2. Publish on OCP Marketplace

For other contributions please contact for guidance.