Hardware Management/Open RMC

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Welcome to the OCP OpenRMC Subproject. This subproject specifies the northbound manageability interface for a rack manager.
This Project is open to the public and we welcome all those who would like to be involved.
Disclaimer: Please do not submit any confidential information to the Project Community. All presentation materials, proposals, meeting minutes and/or supporting documents are published by OCP and are open to the public in accordance to OCP's Bylaws and IP Policy. This can be found on the OCP OCP Policies page. If you have any questions please contact OCP.

Sub-Project Lead

Get Involved

If you interested in get involved with OpenRMC:

  • Participate in the discussion, mailing list: OpenRMC@OCP-All.groups.io (Mailing List Info)
  • Attend the OpenRMC meetings
  • Provide feedback and comments to working documents

Project Calls

Regular meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. For meeting logistics, see the calendar at the bottom of the Hardware Mgmt Project webpage.

IC Approved Contributions

  • Usage Guide and Requirements for OpenRMC Northbound API v1.0.0 (June 2021, link)
  • Profile for OpenRMC v1.0.1 (Jan 2022, link)
  • Inspur OpenRMC Hardware/Firmware bundle - Click "Available Design Collateral". (Jan 2021, [1])
  • (obsolete) OpenRMC Design Specification v1.0.0 (Oct 2020, link)

Working Documents

  • Usage Guide for OpenRMC API v1.1.0, draft 0.6 (May 2023, link)
  • Draft OpenRMC v1.1 profile (Mar 2022, link) File comments as Github issues against the pull request

Presentations and Other Documents

External Presentations

  • "Adding Redfish to Device Manager" (OCP Global Summit 2022, link)
  • "OpenRMC Update" (OCP Global Summit, Mar 2020, link)
  • "Open Rack Management Controller Subproject" (OCP Regional Summit, Sept 2019, link)
  • "OpenRMC Subproject" (OCP Global Summmit, Mar 2019, link)

Internal Documents

Inspur Contribution

Intel Contribution

Microsoft Contribution

Wiwynn Contribution

Past Calls - Recordings