Upcoming virtual event: (Re)Designing Collaboration

When the global Coronavirus pandemic hit, many organizations had to change their traditional way of doing business almost overnight. Leaders responded with measures and guidance that helped to protect companies and their people from the crisis as best they could. The technology industry, including the hardware and software sectors, had to adjust their planning, production and operations as consumer demand shifted. The examples of organizational changes include virtual presence, the increasing global demands for audiovisual services, the necessary bandwidth to support operations, massive work from home, asynchronous communication and newly developed security measures for employees in the production facilities.    

As the industry dynamics are changing, some of the existing business practices might become irrelevant for the new environment. New industry shifts and consumer behavior that emerged during the pandemic might stay and open new markets. There is a need to redefine the way we communicate, collaborate and develop new technologies in remote settings.


The OCP Future Technologies Symposium is playing an important role in the OCP Community as a forward-looking funnel of ideas and innovative solutions for the industry to adopt. It brings people from academia, startups, industry, venture and analyst companies to deliver and commercialize future technologies. 


The OCP Future Technologies Symposium team would like to invite you to join an upcoming interactive experience: (Re)Designing Collaboration on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 at 9 AM PDT. You will hear keynote presentations from people in academia and industry on lessons learned, effective remote collaboration and practices to respond to crisis. The event has three main objectives:   

  1. Learn - to know how others are adopting and solving the crisis-related challenges
  2. Inspire - to be aware of what are the existing solutions and models to apply in your organization
  3. Collaborate - to understand how our Community members can cooperate to solve the future IT challenges together          



The Future Technologies Symposium is an Open Compute Project (OCP) initiative that brings together academia, the technology industry, startups, venture capital and analyst firms to solve future challenges facing the industry and accelerate productization through partnerships and open source R&D.

To know more about OCP Future Technologies Symposium visit the website and to stay up-to-date, join the mailing list.